I'm interested in downloading The Business Transformation Playbook® eBook , however, I'm encountering difficulties with the procedure.

It appears that I'm unable to access the eBook download. What actions can I take to resolve this problem?

Navigate to the courses section and locate the Welcome Week fundamentals. Within the “Welcome Week - Fundamentals”, access the “Delivery of the Playbook” lesson.


Subsequently, visit our website https://hoba.tech/ and select the Book Section.

Within this section, locate and select the eBook option, followed by clicking on "Buy eBook."


Once you are redirected to the Buy eBook section, kindly select "Add to Basket."


Apply the coupon code provided within the course materials. Upon applying the code, the price of the eBook will be adjusted to $0.


Proceed to the checkout phase and finalize the process.

Upon successful completion, you will find two distinct downloads: the "Read First" document and the eBook itself.

It is essential to note that the password required to access the eBook is furnished within the "Read First" file.

To ensure the optimal experience and prevent any issues, kindly download the eBook using a PC or laptop.