1. Knowledge Base
  2. Testing and Certification

What is the course's refund policy?

When you purchase a course through HOBA TECH, you have the benefit of a 14-day money-back guarantee. To request a refund, follow these steps: actively participate in our programs by watching video lessons, completing downloadable worksheets, checklists, and utilizing our support channels to seek answers to fundamental course content questions. Once you've demonstrated your engagement with the course in this manner, reach out to our support team via email to initiate a refund request.

Please provide evidence that you've completed all the video lessons, supplementary materials, and made use of our support channels for assistance. Upon verification, we will be pleased to process a full refund of your payment.

It's important to note that if our systems indicate mass downloading of videos and other supplementary materials prior to the refund request, the refund request will be promptly denied.

Refund requests made after the initial 14-day period may still be considered, but approval is not guaranteed.